Ramya Sukardi
Joke of the Day: Milk, anyone?

Sabtu siang kami lagi ngobrol di mobil. ngelewatin sekolahan yang baru akan dibuka (sebelah Makro Meruya). Mama bilang, "Kalo mama punya ruko di sini, mama mau buka fotokopi aja. Pasti laku!" Eh si cantik Rafa (3 tahun), ngejawab, "Ma, mendingan foto susu ajaa.....Kalo kopi kan rasanya ga enak...!!!!"
14 Agustus 2006
(More jokes? See http://rarassukardi.blogspot.com/) Labels: joke of the day
Joke of the Day: Time is Money!

Malam Senin kemarin, kami semua pergi makan malam dan pulang agak larut. Jam 10-an baru nyampe rumah. Rafa (3 tahun) yang baru sebulan masuk sekolah Kelompok Bermain, ngotot mau tidur pake jam tangan. Alasannya? Biar besok bangunnya ga kesiangan!
14 Agustus 2006
(More jokes? See http://rarassukardi.blogspot.com/) Labels: joke of the day
Joke of the Day: Hot and Spicy

Waktu itu hari Minggu pagi, kita di rumah lagi nonton film DVD 'the Cars' sambil makan french fries sama fanta merah. Rafa (3 thn), pertama kalinya nyobain minuman bersoda. Komentar dia apa? "Ma, minumnya dikasih sambel ya, kok pedes?"
13 Agustus 2006
(More jokes? See http://rarassukardi.blogspot.com/) Labels: joke of the day
I'm a Hero!
Saat itu aku sedang ada Singapore. Aku dan adik-adikku, Raras (waktu itu umur 6 tahun) dan Rafa (2 tahun), sedang berenang di kolam renang Hyatt hotel. Rafa, karena belum bisa berenang, dia pakai ban. Tetapi dia anaknya berani banget. Biarpun belum bisa berenang, dia ikut ke tengah-tengah juga.
Saat aku sedang main bersama mereka, eh, aku lihat adikku yang paling kecil, Rafa, sudah ga pakai ban lagi. Kepalanya dan kakinya ada di dalam air semua! Tenggelam di kolam yang dalam! Langsung aku menolongnya dengan menggendongnya.
Setelah kuangkat dia,mamaku malah baru tahu kalau adikku barusan tenggelam. Rafa juga kelihatan kaget.
Wah, bayangin kalau bukan aku yang menolongnya, siapa lagi??
Ramya Sukardi
19 Agustus 2006Labels: short story
Joke of the Day: Mango: on Sale Now!
I was explaining to Ramya, 6 year old, some fruit is not available every time as they’re seasonal fruit, for example rambutans, durians and mangoes.
As mangos are in season now, I said, all mango trees bear fruit. I pointed to mango tree at the frontyard and also the mango tree at my neighbor’s which have a lot of ripened fruits. She stunned and said ," Wow, mom! That's awesome!! How do they tell each other that now is their turn to display their fruit?"
August 3, 2006
(More jokes? See http://rarassukardi.blogspot.com/)Labels: joke of the day
Joke of the Day: Magic Moments...
Ramya, 6 year old, was staying at the hotel in Bandung for holidays. At its lobby there are several clocks hanging on the wall which tells different time of different cities: Tokyo, Hongkong, LA and London.
I explained to her why the clocks are displaying different time, because the visitors from those cities will know exactly what time it is now at his home country. Amazed, she says, "Wow, those clocks must be magic! How do they know the time around the world but they keep still intact here?" 
August 3, 2006
(More jokes? See http://rarassukardi.blogspot.com/)Labels: joke of the day
Joke of the Day: Once Upon a Time...
One morning, Ramya, 2 1/2 year at that time, asked me to read her favorite bedtime story. Hurried to get to the office, I said to her that I only read it before we go to sleep (at night). Blinking her eyes, she responded," Mom, I'm sleepy. Let's go to sleep then..."
August 3, 2006
(More jokes? See http://rarassukardi.blogspot.com/)Labels: joke of the day
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